The Key Benefits Of Social Media Ads For Your Business In 2021


Social Media Ads – An Overview

social media adsSocial Media Ads are a must for your business. It’s the backbone of any business today, be it any products or services that you are promoting, you need to be marketing on social media in order to get the target customers for your business. Gone are the days when organic methods were the only favorite to run your business. These days, it’s almost impossible to go viral without promoting your products or services through ads.



Definition Of Social Media Ads

social media advertisingSocial Media Ads or Social Media Marketing is a kind of digital marketing where paid ad campaigns are run on various platforms of social media to enhance sales and acquire target customers. Companies and advertisers can take the help of various social media channels to promote their products/services and thereby, increase their sales greatly. 




Types Of Social Media Ads

social media ads typesSocial Media Ads are an excellent and swift way to reach your target customers. It not only helps in acquiring new customers for your business but can also help in gaining returning customers. With the help of analytics that we collect while running social media ads, we can identify the returning customers to our business and easily target them by creating an audience group for them. We can also try and test our different campaigns with A/B testing to check different targeting, or product types, locations, etc. 



Importance of Choosing The Right Platform For Social Media Ads

about social media adsWhile almost all social media platforms provide options for advertising, one should carefully select the best platform for their products or services, depending on where their target audience is. It’s helpful to check which platforms are most popular with your target audience while choosing the right platform. It means, to identify where our potential customers are most concentrated or most engaged to show them the right social media ads. For example, Facebook is where moms are most active. Youngsters are mostly active these days on Snapchat and Facebook, (earlier, Tiktok used to be the most favorite platform for them). You can find most professionals on Linkedin. Instagram is where you find people following niches. Influencers, trendsetters, etc. are found there. You can find people following celebrities, and stars, performers, artists, etc. on Instagram. 


Let’s have a look at types of ads on different Social Media Platforms.


Social Media Ads on Facebook:

latest social media ads Facebook ads are one of the most prominent types of social media ads. Facebook is indeed the next most popular platform after Google and the most popular amongst all social media platforms. Facebook ads are basically targeted towards achieving one of these objectives.

. Awareness: This type of Facebook ads campaign helps in building Brand Awareness or increasing Reach for a particular product/service.

Consideration Ads: These types of Facebook ads campaigns comprise of ads related to Traffic, Engagement, App Installs, Video Views, Lead Generation, and Messages, i.e. encouraging people to interact with you on Facebook messenger. 

Lead Generation is the most widely used campaign type in this category as it aims at bringing hot leads to your business. 

. Conversion Ads: This category of advertisement includes Conversion ads which are aimed at increasing sales through your website or app, Catalogue Sales ads, and Store Traffic ads, driving footfall to your offline shop or store.


Large Audience Base of Facebook

fb audience dataFacebook is today one of the most popular advertising platforms, as it has approximately 2.6 billion monthly active users, making it the second-largest platform after Google in terms of traffic, and number 1 amongst all social media platforms. There are almost equal numbers of teenagers and adults using Facebook these days. Facebook has a great feature of ‘Detailed Targeting’ for this huge audience, which makes it indeed one of the favorites for social media ads. Through Facebook ads, the audience can be directed towards a website or your Facebook page, thereby showing them your ad creative or your post which is intended to persuade users to buy.


Facebook Image or Photo Ad

fb image ad typeAccording to Facebook data, the photo or image-only ads on Facebook drive a lot of traffic and bring great results. A Facebook image ad also includes a headline and a description. That means a picture of your product along with an apt headline and a short to-the-point description. There is also an option of adding a call-to-action button like Shop Now or Get Quote. Facebook Image ad can be created in business manager or can also be promoted through a Facebook page. Here’s an example of a Facebook image ad. We can see how effectively it promotes our service and communicates the idea to the target audiences with the help of an image and some text description. This is indeed an effective type of social media ad.




Benefits Of Advertising On Social Media Platforms 

. It generates quality leads instantaneously and unless most platforms, which require good enough time to yield returns, social media ads generate results very fast. 

. Most platforms may generate results, like influencer marketing may get you leads with less effort, but these results do not continue for the long term. Whereas, advertisements help generate consistent results continuously. 


Social Media Ads types: Video Ads

fb video ad exampleWith Facebook video ads features, you can turn images and text into short videos within a few seconds. Basically, Facebook videos consist of short videos that play in users’ feeds to long promoted videos for desktops. Video ads on Facebook are very effective and are known to perform really awesome in terms of users’ responses and engagement. There are also kinds of videos that play within other videos too. Since there are a lot of options available, one should carefully select which ad type to use and which audience to target and where to find them. Whereas short videos are most effective in communicating a message to the target client, one can use long videos too, if it effectively communicates the message. A video can really effectively demonstrate the product that you are offering, e.g. a demo video of online software, and can outperform in various Facebook placements. 

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